Post-baby weight loss: February edition

So, I’m working my tail off trying to get back to where I want to be weight-wise and body image-wise.  I’m getting there.  I now weigh approximately what I weighed about the time I got pregnant (no, I’m not going to share a number, tyvm).  Last month I wasn’t so good at my mommy group’s challenge, so I’m imposing my own for this month.



I hate how flabby my arms are, so the plan is to implement this sucker and hopefully it does me some good.  I’m also working toward passing my military PT test, and the thing that’s going to kill me is my run.  I did the treadmill at 1.5 incline, 3.5 mph, for 8 minutes tonight and it nearly killed me.  I need to be able to cut that down by about 30%.  Before the end of the month.  Wish me luck!  I’ll let you know how it goes.